Dengan peringkat 48 dari 191 negara dalam Inform Risk Index 2023, Indonesia termasuk dalam sepertiga negara teratas dengan risiko tertinggi terhadap bahaya iklim. Perubahan iklim telah mengubah pola curah hujan dan suhu rata-rata, memicu fenomena cuaca ekstrem seperti angin ribut, banjir bandang, dan kenaikan permukaan laut. Sekitar 180 juta warga pesisir Indonesia menghadapi ancaman nyata…
Jakarta, February 9, 2023 The Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI), a member of I-CLIMB, has published a White Paper titled “Business and Policy Analysis to Encourage Geothermal Power Plant Investment in Indonesia”. The white paper comprehensively examines various aspects that play a crucial role…
Jakarta, January 2024 The Indonesia Research Institute for Decarbonization (IRID), a member of I-CLIMB, has published a study titled “Just Energy Transition in East Nusa Tenggara: Readiness of Stakeholders in East Nusa Tenggara Towards the Electricity Decarbonization Phase”. This is an initial study related to the readiness of provinces consisting of small islands in Indonesia,…
Jakarta, July 27, 2023 The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Indonesia, a member of I-CLIMB, has published a Policy Paper titled “Risk and Challenges of the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) Indonesia”. The policy paper aims to risks and challenges of the implementation of JETP Indonesia so that all the stakeholders can mitigate…